Thursday 19 October 2017


Making money with SFI

One of the reasons why SFI is so successful is because it's so easy to get  started. In fact, you can immediately begin earning income from our profit sharing program just by scoring "VersaPoints."  What's a VersaPoint?  Very simply, VersaPoints (VP) are points we award to affiliates for performing actions listed on their To-Do List (actions that will help you become successful in SFI).  Learn more about VersaPoints HERE.
Each time you complete an action on your SFI To-Do List, you instantly earn the points attached to that action. Some actions are worth 10 points, some 20 points, some as much as 150 points.  Earn as many VersaPoints as you can each month.  The more VP you score, the more you can earn from our profit sharing program.  The more VP you score, the higher your rank in SFI can go, too!

Wednesday 27 September 2017

SFI Business Affiliate

You can start your E Business for free and grow the portfolio as you learn.  SFI is a friendly business opportunity that does not require you to pay anything to start. Although having some start-up funds to invest almost always helps when starting any new business, you can still earn commissions with SFI without spending any money.

 A simple Web search using Google, Bing, or any other major search engine will yield a listing of free ad sites. Use search terms, such as free business classifieds, paid business classifieds, pay per click search engines, free and paid safelists, etc. Be sure to use more than one search engine, as results may vary from engine to engine. Also, use variations on search terms to find lesser-known, but still valuable advertising sites.